
Showing posts from October, 2021

Commercial Blog

 Doing this commercial was kind of fun. It was fun going out and filming. It was also fun laughing at how stupid I looked during my commercial. It was mostly a new experience because I had never done anything like this before. It weird at first to be filmed by a camera. I got used to it after a little while. Overall, it was a fun and interesting entirely new experience.

Editing Blog

Going into trying to edit I discovered some problems. I realized that since we didn't have any editing experience. As a result, I needed to familiarize myself with editing. This didn't take long. Once I did that, it was relatively easy to navigate and understand Clipchamp. Editing took about an hour altogether. It took longer the first day editing because I didn't really know what I wanted to do. Once I found out what I wanted, it took less time. After all the edits were done, I went back and reviewed our commercial. I found out that the transitions needed to be smoother. So I went back and made it so there was less of a gap between clips of video. Also, the Gatorade logo needed to be added in. This process was especially hard because nothing else in my commercial was like it. The Gatorade logo needed to slowly fade in over the subject running up the stairs. Since the editing was done, I had nothing else to do. As a result, I relaxed for the rest of the class. I also gamed ...

Editing Blog

After I was done filming all of my commercial the previous class, it was time to edit. Since my commercial wasn't a single continuous shot, some editing was required. Also, since my commercial has the subject running up stairs, it can't be taken in a single shot. As the subject ascends the first flight of stairs, there is no editing required. It is the same thing for the second flight of stairs. This is because the cameraman is positioned specifically so that he can get the subject running up the 1st and 2nd flight of stairs without any editing. Then, we had the subject drink Gatorade in a close up shot. Edited in right after the subject runs up the two flights of stairs. Then, it transitions into a tracking shot right after. This doesn't need any editing in between it because it is a continual shot. We had also filmed a different shot where the tracking shot was on our first day of filming. It would be the same thing as the first shot. Where the cameraman is positioned so ...

Filming Blog

 The next class, I thought I was done with the commercial. So I went to edit my commercial. However, I found out that my commercial wasn't long enough. As a result, I had to get another pass to go out and film again. We had to go and get another Gatorade from a school vending machine because we didn't have a Gatorade. After, my brother and I went back to the same spot we filmed at last time. Once we got there, we got set up again and started filming. We redid everything to make it better and get the commercial to 30 seconds. We filmed the subject running up stairs again. This time we filmed a tracking shot to add a little bit of time. I put the tracking shot in instead of just cutting the shots together. We filmed the subject running up the stairs, getting tired and drinking Gatorade. After drinking the Gatorade, the subject ascended the steps faster than before and without tiring. Then, we went back to class since we were done filming. We finished filming quite fast because we...

Filming Blog

 Today in class I finished up my storyboard blog. I had to do this if I wanted to go film today. When my teacher checked that it was ok, me and my brother went out to film. I brought everything we needed to film. This includes the ball, the Gatorade bottle, and the phone. As we were walking out to the field, we realized that there didn't seem to be any soccer goal that we could kick our ball into. As we walked onto the field, we found that our assumptions were correct, there was no goal. So, after that we walked around a little looking at places where we could film our backup plan. We finally decided on a stairway near the edge of campus. That is where we started to film our backup commercial. In the act of switching commercials, some of the materials that I had brung for my project was rendered useless. Our backup commercial is where the subject runs up stairs slowly at first, getting tired. After a little, the subject drinks Gatorade. After drinking Gatorade, the subject runs up ...