Editing Blog

Going into trying to edit I discovered some problems. I realized that since we didn't have any editing experience. As a result, I needed to familiarize myself with editing. This didn't take long. Once I did that, it was relatively easy to navigate and understand Clipchamp. Editing took about an hour altogether. It took longer the first day editing because I didn't really know what I wanted to do. Once I found out what I wanted, it took less time. After all the edits were done, I went back and reviewed our commercial. I found out that the transitions needed to be smoother. So I went back and made it so there was less of a gap between clips of video. Also, the Gatorade logo needed to be added in. This process was especially hard because nothing else in my commercial was like it. The Gatorade logo needed to slowly fade in over the subject running up the stairs. Since the editing was done, I had nothing else to do. As a result, I relaxed for the rest of the class. I also gamed a little with my friend.


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