Filming Blog
The next class, I thought I was done with the commercial. So I went to edit my commercial. However, I found out that my commercial wasn't long enough. As a result, I had to get another pass to go out and film again. We had to go and get another Gatorade from a school vending machine because we didn't have a Gatorade. After, my brother and I went back to the same spot we filmed at last time. Once we got there, we got set up again and started filming. We redid everything to make it better and get the commercial to 30 seconds. We filmed the subject running up stairs again. This time we filmed a tracking shot to add a little bit of time. I put the tracking shot in instead of just cutting the shots together. We filmed the subject running up the stairs, getting tired and drinking Gatorade. After drinking the Gatorade, the subject ascended the steps faster than before and without tiring. Then, we went back to class since we were done filming. We finished filming quite fast because we already knew what we were going to do and where to go. After a little, my friend came up to me and asked me if I would help him film. I asked how long it would take because we had limited time. He said it wouldn't take long at all. I agreed to help him and so we left. I filmed him doing his commercial at the track field. We went back to class. Since there wasn't enough time left to edit my commercial, we played chess for the remaining class time.
Image of what my friend's commercial was about.
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