Title Research: Code 8 (2019)


  1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?

There are a total of 29 titles displayed during the opening sequences of Code 8, including individual acting credits and individual personal titles. The first title displayed is the name of the studio, followed by associated studios, the production company’s credit, various acting credits, the credits of the casting directors, and the visual effects supervisor. After this comes the credit for the creator of the music, the costume designer, the editor, the production designer, the director of photography, the co-producer and associate producers, various executive producers, the lead producer, the creators of the story and screenplay, the director, and finally, the movie title.

  1. What connotations do the images carry?

The images shown are meant to show the descent from hopefulness regarding the future to a militaristic dystopia as a result of the earlier hope. The early images are filled with idealistic imagery and show how the world could be built to be better, but quickly descend into darkness and chaos as the new order of the world collapses.

  1. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

The genre is reinforced through the shown use of powered laborers to build cities and buildings, reminiscent of futuristic dystopianism. Further through the opening sequence, it also shows the unveilment of extremely high-tech robotic bipedes, which are a staple of sci-fi environements.

  1. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The opening sequence is shot with a almost frenzied action-filled atmosphere to ensure that it engages the younger, action-loving audience, while also engaging in complex social commentary and metaphors for real-world trends to engage the more adult demographic of their viewers.


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